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Executive Director — Updated (salary increase), Environmental Leadership & GreenPAC, Ottawa preferred
Executive Director, full-time, SkeenaWild Conservation Trust, Terrace / West Central BC / relocate
Executive Director, full-time, Northumberland Land Trust, Northumberland County, Ontario
Executive Director, full-time, Nova Scotia Sea School, Halifax and Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Executive Director, full-time, Intervale Associates, Western Newfoundland
Executive Director, full-time, Green Economy Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Manager and Project Lead, full-time, Community Energy Cooperative Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Executive Director, full-time, Ontario Nature, Toronto ON
  All levels — latest postings  helpAll postings are open and accepting applications — apply now. (Postings are removed when filled.)
Education & Stewardship Coordinator, full-time, Discovery Passage Aquarium Society, Campbell River BC
Summer job: Nature Interpreter, Fundy Biosphere Region, St. Martins, New Brunswick
Summer job: Nature Interpreter, Fundy Biosphere Region, Moncton, New Brunswick
Land Protection Coordinator, full-time, Habitat Acquisition Trust, Victoria BC
Nature Interpreters / Guides / Outdoor Education, casual, Grand River Conservation Authority, Southern Ontario
Student job: Videographer, Pelee Island Bird Observatory, Windsor, Ontario
Conservation Interns, 2 positions, 5 months, Nature Conservancy of Canada, Belleville, Ontario
Plant Manager, full-time, Keepers of the Circle, Kirkland Lake, Northern Ontario
Communications & Community Engagement, full-time, rare Charitable Research Reserve, Cambridge, Waterloo Region, Ontario
Board members / Directors needed, vol./board, Zero Emissions Innovation Centre, Metro Vancouver BC
Webmaster & Social Media, part-time, Environmental Education Ontario, remote, anywhere in Canada
Bird / Avian / Shrike Biologists (2), seasonal, Wildlife Preservation Canada, field accommodation provided, Ontario
Nature Interpreters, full-time, Gorge Waterway Action Society, Victoria BC
Board Members / Directors, vol./board, Green Communities Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Summer jobs: Habitat Restoration, 5 positions, Ontario Streams, Aurora / York Region, GTA, Ontario
Assistant Grants Coordinator, full-time, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Toronto/North York, Ontario
Summer job: Youth Education Intern, B.C. Wildlife Federation, Surrey BC
Farmer-Educator, full-time, Earthwise Society, Agassiz BC / on-site accom.
Niagara Escarpment Biosphere Network Manager, full-time, Plenty Canada, Niagara Escarpment, Ontario
Summer jobs: Conservation Ambassadors, Bruce Trail Conservancy, along the Niagara Escarpment, Ontario
Summer Camp Counsellors, full-time, Evergreen, Toronto, Ontario
Summer job: Mountain Biking Camp, full-time, Evergreen Adventure Camp, Toronto, Ontario
Watersheds Campaign Lead, full-time, Watershed Watch Salmon Society, virtual/remote, anywhere in British Columbia
Strategic Partnerships and Trainings Coordinator, full-time, Change Course, virtual, anywhere in Canada
Non-profit board members, vol./board, Ecology Ottawa, Ottawa ON / National Capital Region
Water Monitoring Program Coordinator, full-time, Living Lakes Canada, Columbia Basin BC
Fundraising Coordinator, full-time, Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, GTA, Ontario
Summer job: Administrative Assistant, The Pine Project, Toronto, Ontario
Teacher, full-time, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, Richmond Hill, GTA, Ontario
Community Outreach Assistant, 8 months, JCP/EI/elig., Guelph Tool Library, Guelph ON
Conservation Technician, May-Nov., The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Roseneath, Ontario
Conservation Intern, May-Nov., The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Barrie, Ontario
Conservation Technician, May-Nov., The Nature Conservancy of Canada, London, Ontario
Conservation Intern, 22 weeks, The Nature Conservancy of Canada, Peterborough/Belleville, Ontario
Kitchen Coordinator/Chef, LUSH Valley Food Action Society, Courtenay BC
Catering Chef, contract/casual, LUSH Valley Food Action Society, Courtenay BC
Crew Member, Watershed Monitoring (Fauna), seasonal, Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, Ontario
Crew Member, Watershed Monitoring (Flora), seasonal, Credit Valley Conservation, Mississauga, GTA, Ontario
Outdoor Education Instructor, casual, Humber Arboretum, Toronto, Ontario
Summer student jobs: Environmental Educators, 10 positions, Sea Smart, Vancouver BC
Program Manager – Climate Resiliency Programs, full-time, reThink Green, Greater Sudbury, Ontario
Summer: Astronomy Program Manager, Bruce Peninsula Biosphere Association, remote / anywhere in Ontario

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