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Dogs / work with animals, salary + room & board, starting asap, Arctic Chalet, Inuvik, Northwest Territories
Island retreat art studio — Firewood, light carpentry & garden help, single or couple, vol.+meals+accom., Coastal BC / North Vancouver Island
Permaculture Interns, live on-site, April-Sep./flexible, Whole Village Ecovillage, Caledon, Ontario
Ecological/Permaculture Gardener/Intern, vol., camping or cabin, Living Landscapes, near Wakefield QC / Ottawa area
Summer Canoe Trip Leaders, no experience necessary, free/vol. +accom. +food +training, late May-August, Algonquin Park, Ontario
Natural construction apprentice 2025, optional on-site accom., near Cobourg, Ontario
Summer Camp Volunteers, vol., Camp Goodtimes, Canadian Cancer Society, BC
Butterfly Garden Interns, free/ vol.+ housing+ food, Monteverde Butterfly Gardens, Costa Rica
Peer Mentors, ages 18-25, vol. + stipend + lunch, Environmental Youth Alliance, Vancouver BC
Endangered Parrot Recovery, one month minimum, vol. + accom., Costa Rica
Drone / Ground Videographer, volunteer, FreshwaterVI, Vancouver Island BC
Volunteer Nature Steward, Toronto Nature Stewards Highland Creek Park, Scarborough, GTA, Ontario
Organic Gardening & Permaculture, work exchange, accom., Phoenix Farm and Campground, Salt Spring Island BC
Eco-Cultural Tour organizer/concierge, vol. + accom. + food, Eco Hotel, Yucatan, Mexico
Stream Biomonitoring fieldwork, vol. + free accom., Costa Rica
Farm Maintenance & Construction Internship, full-time, stipend+ meals+ accom., Chuckleberry Community Farm, live on site, near Nelson BC
Organic Farming Business Internship, full-time, stipend+ meals+ accom., Chuckleberry Community Farm, live on site, near Nelson BC
Permaculture gardens & forest, vol./ barter/ work exchange for accom., Heritage homestead, Sunshine Coast, British Columbia
Garden help needed, volunteer, Castleton/ Brighton/ Cobourg/ Quinte West/ Belleville area, Ontario
Horse Sanctuary, Organic Hay Farm & Healing Reatreats, vol. + accom, Rideau Lakes, Ontario
Wildlife Rehabilitation / Animal Care – internships, vol+ stipend+ free accom, Heaven's Wildlife Rescue, near Sarnia, Ontario
Ottawa fruit trees, free food, volunteer, Hidden Harvest, Ottawa, Ontario
Organic farms & gardens across Canada, vol.+ accom.+ food+ experience, WWOOF Canada
Grow food — grow your own, jobs, internships, volunteer... anywhere in Canada