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Director or Senior Expert – Buildings, full-time, Dunsky Energy + Climate, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal or elsewhere in Canada
Executive Director, full-time, Green Economy Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Manager and Project Lead, full-time, Community Energy Cooperative Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
  All levels — latest postings  helpAll postings are open and accepting applications — apply now. (Postings are removed when filled.)
Summer jobs: Berry farming, Northslope Farm, near Wakefield QC / Ottawa-Gatineau
Policy Research Associate (Energy Poverty), full-time, Efficiency Canada, remote, anywhere in Canada
Organic veggie farming, full-time, possible accom., Ferme Lève-tôt, near Wakefield / Ottawa-Gatineau QC
Assistant Farmer & Farmers' Market, 3 positions, May-Oct., Ferme des Petites Victoires, Luskville, near Ottawa-Gatineau QC
Coordinator, full-time, Concordia Food Coalition, Montréal QC / Hybrid
Summer job: Expedition Assistant: Bookings & Reservations, SOI, Gatineau, Quebec
Summer job: Expedition Assistant: Events & Logistics, Students on Ice / SOI Foundation, Gatineau QC / Ottawa area
Summer job: Expedition Assistant, Youth Support, Students on Ice / SOI Foundation, Gatineau QC / Ottawa area
Summer job: Farm Animator, f/t incl room & board, Camp Amy Molson / Young Roots Farm, Quebec
Summer job: Farm Apprentice, f/t incl room & board, Camp Amy Molson / Young Roots Farm, Quebec
Outreach Strategist, National Farmers Union, Saskatoon or remote, anywhere in Canada 
Kitchen Animator, part-time, Corbeille de Pain, Pointe-Claire / West Island / Montreal QC
Emplois d'été : Assistant.e en conservation, SNAP-VO, Gatineau + travail terrain dans le Pontiac et en Abitibi-Témiscamingue QC
Organic farming, market gardening & driver, two positions, on-farm accom., Apr-Nov., Ferme Pleine Lune, near Wakefield QC & Ottawa
Summer Camp Program Positions, full-time, accom.+meals, Tim Hortons Camps, various locations in Canada & USA
Naturally grown farm-stay position, April–October, live on-farm + stipend, west of Montreal, Quebec
Assistant.e maraicher.ère, Mi-avril à mi-nov., ou Mai à août, Ferme maraichère bio-diversifiée, Quebec / logement a discuter
Foodraising Manager (Québec), full-time, Second Harvest, remote, Québec
International Just Transition Coordinator, full-time, bilingual preferred, Climate Action Network, anywhere in Canada
Field Crew 2025, 4 positions, full-time, Juniper Organic Farm, Wakefield QC, near Ottawa-Gatineau (optional accom.)
Nature Store / Retail business associate, Ottawa-Gatineau / Gatineau Park (with optional on-site housing in Chelsea QC)
Conservation Assessors, volunteer, free training, The Centre for Land Conservation, remote, anywhere in Canada