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Company: Cowichan Recyclists Ltd
Price: $ 50,000
Brochure: Download
Location: Duncan / Vancouver Island BC (This business could be run from home for the administration and coordination and for the storage of equipment and work shed. The customers are all in Duncan, BC.)
The Owner/operator position could be part time or full time.
Join the green revolution while earning money and staying fit with our turnkey bicycle-based mobile business. The Cowichan Recyclists specialize in last-mile waste pickup services, contributing to a net-negative waste approach and participating in the emerging circular economy. Established in 2007, our business boasts proven and growing revenues with a loyal customer base. No prior experience or license required, just a passion for peddling waste alternatives.
Key Features:
Possible Buyers:
$50,000 CAD (Share Sale of Cowichan Recyclists Ltd)
Includes all equipment, trailers, training, and customer database.
Additional Details
Contact Name : Faizal Charania
Contact Email : faizal@heretohelpbbandrealty.ca
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Current status: Open/apply now. Date posted: Aug 8 2024 ID: 71727