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Nature / Biodiversity Conservation

Citizen Science Bioblitzes in the Madawaska Highlands with CPAWS-OV

Needed: Volunteers – Species data collection
Organization: Canadian Parks and Wilderness Society-OV
Location: Ottawa Valley / Greater Madawaska / carpool from Ottawa, Ontario 
Type: volunteer (camping; meals provided; see below)

Our first bioblitz this year in the Madawaska Highlands was a success! We surveyed a variety of different habitats including forest, streams, and lakes and found all different kinds of species including the red-backed salamander, wood frog, and northern leopard frog. We also identified many plants, fungi, insects, and birds including four bird species that are currently at-risk in Ontario (Evening Grosbeak, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Wood Thrush, Olive-sided Flycatcher). A huge thank you to the volunteers who came out to the bioblitz and to the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for funding and making this event possible.

If you weren’t able to make our first bioblitz event, don’t worry! We have two more bioblitz events coming up:

  • August 16-18 near Griffith, ON and the Madawaska River

Register today by emailing Sasha at:
Please mention you saw this at

What is a bioblitz?

A bioblitz is a communal citizen-science effort to record as many species within a designated location and time period as possible. These bioblitzes are part of a larger effort to protect the Madawaska Highlands. We know this beautiful region is home to many species, including many that are at risk but there is still a general lack of data on species and ecosystems. The data we collect during these events will help us demonstrate the ecological and cultural value of the Madawaska Highlands to decision makers, stakeholders, and the public and will be used as a tool to advocate for better environmental protection in the region.

The bioblitz events take place over the course of a weekend, arriving on the Friday afternoon/evening, camping overnight on Friday and Saturday, and departing on the Sunday afternoon. If participants are driving themselves, there is not a requirement to camp overnight but if you are able, we highly recommend it as our species surveys will begin relatively early in the morning – it’s also a lot of fun!

No previous experience with species surveys and identification is required for volunteers and we welcome all ability levels. We will be joined by a fish and wildlife technologist, Rosemary, who has extensive experience in species surveys and has excellent identification skills, especially with plants, birds, aquatic invertebrates, and fish. Rosemary is excited to help volunteers identify the species we come across! We will survey a combination of terrestrial and aquatic habitats, focusing on areas with high ecological value and biodiversity.

The week leading up to the bioblitz, we will have an online training session for volunteers (exact date and time TBD). Volunteers will be provided with field guides and all the equipment needed for the surveys.

What else do you need to know?

  • All meals will be provided. When registering please let us know if you have any allergies or dietary restrictions. We typically do mostly vegetarian/vegan meals. We will also bring drinking water.

  • Please bring a tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, and camping chair. Please let us know if you do not have this camping equipment as we have extras that we can lend out. Volunteers are also asked to bring a rain jacket and hiking boots, bug repellent and sunscreen, flashlight/headlamp, and a reusable water bottle. All field equipment for the species surveys will be provided but if you have any of the following, we recommend bringing them: hip/chest waders, binoculars, portable charging bank (as we use some phone apps to help with identification). We have a few of each of these to share among volunteers so don’t worry if you don’t have them.

  • We may be able to arrange carpooling from Ottawa. If you require a ride, please let us know and we will do our best to accommodate. Additionally, if you are planning on driving yourself and are willing to drive other volunteers, please let us know that as well.

  • In addition to performing the species surveys, there may also be the opportunity for swimming in the lake/river, campfires, and hiking in the nearby trails!

If you have any questions or would like to register, please email Sasha at . We really hope you’ll join us! The success of these events and the campaign to protect the Madawaska Highlands depend on amazing volunteers like you! We would also like the TD Friends of the Environment Foundation for awarding CPAWS with a grant to make these bioblitz events possible.

Note about registration: Please register for the event only if you plan on attending. There is a lot of preparation and planning that goes into these events including buying/preparing meals. Therefore, it is important that we know the exact number of volunteers that will be at the event. However, we understand that things happen. If you are registered for the event and are no longer able to attend, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can plan accordingly. We deeply appreciate the support of our volunteers; these events would not be possible without you!


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Current status: Open/apply now.   Date posted: Aug 1 2024    ID: 71678