Repost as a new ad

Revise a posting

You can revise your posting at any time. Please see the Thank you for posting message we sent when your posting went live — it contains everything you need to revise or manage your posting. Or contact us if you need it resent.

Extend a posting

You can extend your posting at any time. Please see the Thank you for posting message we sent when your posting went live — it contains all you need to revise or manage your posting. Or contact us if you need it resent.

Promote a posting

If you haven't yet found the candidate(s) you're looking for, please contact us. We're just a phone call away and are here to help. We can discuss, troubleshoot and propose solutions. No charge.

Close a posting

Your posting will automatically be removed on the “display until” date you indicated when posting. You can also close it at any time by using the link in the Thank you for posting message we sent you when the posting went live. Or, just send us an e-mail and we'll close it for you.

Retrieve an old posting

Yes, you can retrieve or repost any posting you've ever made. If you no longer have the Thank you for posting message, just contact us — we can send you the posting or reactivate/repost it.

If contacting us regarding a posting, it's great if you have the posting ID (it's the same as the invoice number). Otherwise, please indicate other details such as job title, organization, the email address used when posting.

View your current postings

To display your currently active postings, try searching using the 'keyword' field for your organization, website or job title. Or contact us and we'll find them for you.